My Control, My Safety, MySudo

My Control, My Safety, MySudo

Before I started working at Anonyome Labs, I hadn’t heard of MySudo before.  Why would I need multiple email addresses and phone numbers? After all, I have nothing to hide, and I like to be a “whole person” in both my public and private life. This is what we all...


MySudo was built to provide you more control and privacy in your everyday life. With so much of our world managed digitally we set out to create a tool that would allow you to continue on that path but with increased safety and security. Ultimately with MySudo, we...
How I Avoid Security Fatigue at Home

How I Avoid Security Fatigue at Home

It is now rare that a month goes by without a significant data breach being disclosed or discovered. The most recent event I have been reading about is the “Collection 1″ data breach. My company, family and friends look to me for guidance when they...