Spring Clean Your Privacy with MySudo

Ready to spring clean your online privacy? Using your personal phone number or email address online can put your personal information at risk – using MySudo can mitigate that risk and provide a safe way to talk, text, email, browse, and pay online all in one...
The WHY of Privacy in 4 Quick Points

The WHY of Privacy in 4 Quick Points

Simon Sinek has elevated WHY to cult status. He says people won’t truly buy into a product, service, movement or idea until they understand the WHY behind it. Given the severity of the data privacy crisis, we must urgently understand...
Are You A ‘Privacy Active’?

Are You A ‘Privacy Active’?

Do you want more privacy? Will you take action to get it? You’re likely to be what Cisco calls a ‘privacy active’. (Spoiler alert: it’s a good thing.) ‘Privacy actives’ represent a new demographic. They’re highly motivated privacy-aware individuals. They...

MySudo Promises Privacy

Those other apps never offered you privacy – MySudo does. Private messaging Private calling Private email Private browsing Private payments Take control of your privacy with...